Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hunger Games - READ the Dang book first!

The Hunger Games!

Unless you've been living in a box, you must have seen at least 1 billion ads for The Hunger Games thus far.

Here's my big tip I've already figured out by reading the numerous blogs about Suzanne Collins' best seller - READ THE DANG BOOK FIRST!

The Hunger Games, just like any other book-made-for-movie fiasco, ends up having to leave out many of the details because simply:
  1. Hollywood can't afford to have 4 hour long movies, and The Hunger Games tips the scales at 2hrs 22min
  2. It is REALLY difficult to capture the thoughts and 1st person descriptions of the character and make it 'work' on the big screen
  3. People just want a different experience in the movies than when reading a book.

So, am I being an elitist by saying, "I read the book first," and "The movie is not as good as the book" among other cliches?

Well, sort of.  You see, the reason I enjoy movies to reading is because I like speed, efficiency, and short cuts. I always read the cliffs notes and was able to embellish later instead of reading full texts.

And in this case - Tah-DAH! Audiobooks.  I read The Hunger Games in 3 days flat.  Period. End of Story (well sort of, since it's a Trilogy!).

And now I can walk around and say, "Dude, the movie is not as good as the book."  And people will then think, "Wow, he reads!"


Anywho, read the book before seeing The Hunger Games.  You'll be glad you did.

The Hunger Games BOOK - Not movie ;-)

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