Monday, May 21, 2012

Autoresponder Email Marketing - Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads

Autoresponder Email Marketing

Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads

Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools that you can have if you are doing business online. In fact, the only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list – the list doesn’t exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses!

The easiest and fastest way to build up an email list is to give things away for free. Some marketers will tell you that this is a waste of time – and if you already have a list of one hundred thousand people that you can market to, then it probably is. But for those who do not already have a list, this is the way that it gets built! You simply pay for advertisement to promote your freebie. Don’t think of this as lost money, think of it as an investment in future earnings.

See an Example HERE of an Autoresponder in ACTION!
Give away an ezine, free reports, free ebooks, free access to private websites, or anything else that you can think of. The object is to get people to sign up to receive that freebie, and to agree to receive email from you in the future! It is a win-win situation for everyone, but you get more than anyone else in the deal. The person gets a freebie. You get their name and email address, and permission to email them in the future.

Aweber is a Popular Autoresponder Service
But if you do it right, you get even more than that. The freebie that you give away should also be used to promote your products or services. Even if it just has affiliate links for products or services that are related to the topic of the freebie, it is a way to generate extra revenue.  Then, when you send email in the future, you can again promote your products or services. Just be sure to include valuable information in the email as well, or you will have people dropping off of your autoresponder mailing list like flies!

Try AWeber's Autoresponders for $1 Using every opportunity that is presented to you in the world of Internet Marketing is vital to your success. You have the opportunity to earn money in the freebie that you create, you have the opportunity to earn money when you send the ‘thank you’ email after a person has requested your freebie, and you have the opportunity to earn money every time an autoresponder message is sent out to that list in the future! Don’t waste those opportunities, and put it all in automatic mode with the use of an autoresponder.

Best -
Nate Rio

Autoresponder Email Marketing - Build Interest with Autoresponder Messages

Autoresponder Email Marketing

Build Interest with Autoresponder Messages

If you are using your autoresponder to sell a product or service, you must be very careful as to how you approach your potential customer. Few people like a hard sale, and marketers have known for years that in most cases, a prospect must hear your message an average of seven times before they will make a purchase. How do you accomplish this with autoresponders?

It’s really quite simple, and in fact, the autoresponders make getting the message to your potential customers those seven times possible. On the Internet, without the use of autoresponders, you probably could not achieve that. Too often, marketers make the mistake of literally slamming the potential customer with a hard sales pitch with the first autoresponder message – this won’t work. 
Aweber is a Great Autoresponder Company to use!

You build interest slowly. Start with an informative message – a message that educates the reader in some way on the topic that your product or service is related to. At the bottom of the message, include a link to the sales page for your product. Use that first message to focus on the problem that your product or service can solve, with just a hint of the solution.

 Build up from there, moving into how your product or service can solve a problem, and then with the next message, ease into the benefits of your product – giving the reader more actual information with each and every message. Your final message should be the sale pitch – not your first one! With each message, make sure that you are giving the customer information pertaining to the topic – free information! This is what will keep them interested in what you have to say.

 This type of marketing is an art. It may take time to get it exactly right. Use the examples that other marketers have set for you. Pay attention to the messages that you receive from other marketers. Start a ‘swap’ file, and keep those messages. Use some of the better sales copy for your own autoresponder messages – just make sure that yours doesn’t turn out to be an exact copy of someone else’s sales message!

Remember not to start with a hard sale. Build your potential customers interest. Keep building on what the problem is, and how your product or service can solve that problem or fill that need. If you are doing this right, by the time the potential customer reads the last message in that series, they will be convinced enough to make a purchase!

Try AWeber's Autoresponders for $1 Aweber is probably the most common, and easy to use autoresponder service. For more details on how to build your email list with an autoresponder, sign up for the mentorship and training program at

Cheers -
Nate Rio

Related: Autoresponder Email Marketing - Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads

Thursday, May 10, 2012

SEO and Advertising: Search Engine Optimization and Advertising Online

SEO and Advertising 

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising Online

In today’s net-savvy world it has become common for any business to have a website which they use mostly for advertising their products and services. With the advent of search engines it has become even easier for the customers to search for the stuff online. For a website to be successful its link should land in the first three pages which the search engine brings and the rank of the page should be high which means many visitors come to the site. This can be achieved by applying search engine optimization or popularly known as SEO. This is a marketing strategy which increases the quality and quantity of traffic flow to a particular website via search engines.

SEO not only affects the search engine results, but also image search, video search and industry specific vertical search engines. It determines how a search algorithm functions and searches what is popular with people. When a website link is submitted to a search engine, a spider crawls through a page to gather links which lead to other pages and stores those pages on the server of the search engine. The information collected from these pages is sent to the indexer, whose job is to extract information from those pages such as the keywords and their weights, the location of the page and other links that are stored for the spider to crawl in future.
SEO and Advertising - quite the Puzzle!

In the beginning, the search engine optimizer algorithms were dependant on the keywords, Meta tags, and index files provided by the Webmaster. Meta tags provided information about a particular page, but using them for indexing the pages didn’t prove to be successful as some Webmasters added irrelevant Meta tags to increase the number of hits and earn huge ad revenue. They even changed the HTML of the web pages to achieve a good rank for the page. But this was a case of abuse as it fetched irrelevant pages.

Search engines then began utilizing complex ranking algorithm, which were difficult for the webmasters to manipulate so as to provide web surfers with genuine results. The rank of the web page was calculated mathematically by functions using strength and quantity of the inbound links. The higher the rank of the page the more chances it had to be viewed by a person.  Later algorithms were developed which considered various other on-page factors such as rank and off-page factors such as hyperlink. Since the webmasters couldn’t manipulate the page rank, they began exchanging, selling and buying links, which lead to link spamming and even creation of numerous sites dedicated for this purpose.

SEO and Advertising go hand in hand
Algorithms became more complex by every passing day and top search engines kept their algorithms a secret. As the cost of SEO increased, advertisers were roped in to pay for it, which finally resulted in high quality web pages. Although investing in SEO is very fruitful, but at the same time is risky because with out any prior notice the algorithms being used are bound to change and the search engine will stop directing visitors to the page. Many consultants are available in the market that provides SEO services. They manipulate the HTML source code of the web site like menus, shopping carts and sometimes even the content of the website to draw more traffic. Search engines like Yahoo has algorithms that extract pages not according to the page rank but according to the cost per click or set fee, that is if a advertiser desires that the page containing his ad be displayed, he is expected to pay money for it. This is a point of controversy, as only the big businesses will be able to increase the number of hits of their page but not the small business who might be having a better quality page.

Google Ad Words explores ads which have words typed in the search box by the surfer. The Million Dollar Homepage started the concept of Pixel advertising, which is a graphical kind of advertising. Depending on the pixels, the space is sold to the advertiser. Keyword advertising involves advertisers who buy URLs of a site and place their ads at that location. Thus SEO is a market in its own which is yielding great results for businesses on Internet.

To learn a GREAT internet marketing program with one of the BEST guru's, including coaching videos for the Beginner to the Expert, be sure to visit

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

FOUR-Letter Word to AVOID in Internet Marketing and Online Marketing

After speaking with lots of people about Internet marketing and the qualities that make people successful in the business, I kept coming back to a Four Letter Word that keeps holding people back.

And actually, it is not only just in internet marketing and online marketing that this four letter word holds people back, you see it in ALL businesses and it is very prevalent in those examples of failed ventures.  Furthermore, you will not hear successful people and entrepreneurs ever use this word. Never.

So what is this four letter word?  It is not what you may think. Only.  Yep, that's it.

  • If I "only" could do this, I'd be successful.
  • If I "only" had more money, I could invest more in my business.
  • I "only" have a few minutes each day to think about my business plan.
  • "Only" the online marketing gurus can ever make money.
  • You're the "only" one doing that type of business.
  • That type of stuff "only" works for wealthy people.
  • and on, and on, and on...
You see, this little four letter word is holding many people back!  In fact, 'Only' likes to hang out with his best buddy, "Just."

  • If I could "Just" do this, "Just" do that, "Just" had more money, etc.
You can see how damaging this can be to your confidence and your Success!!  So if you can remember to keep these Four letter words OUT of your Vocabulary, you'll be on your way.

Here's what I want you to do:

-In the next 24 HRS, try to not use either of these words.  It's difficult, but it will get you thinking!

Cheers -

p.s. has a great video section on philosophy and motivational videos.  So get signed up to learn more!